The relationship between morphology and syntax
As it is widely known, the interest in linguistics has increased in the last thirty years, in a changing field, with new approaches coming into stage and providing researchers with resources which make it possible to get more accurate analyses about grammatical information of words and how they relate to others.
As the main Spanish grammars (Piera and Varela, 1999; NGRAE, 2009) remark, from the end of the nineties there have been a lot of authors that, in an empirical approach, have brought the relationship morphology-syntax to light in such different aspects as: a) the distinction amongst word classes or grammar categories, processes in which both formal and functional criteria take part; b) the relationship between inflected forms and syntactic processes of government and agreement; c) the inner syntax of complex forms (or structure of the morphemes of a word) and their external syntax (or the syntactic projection of the word according to its morphological features).
In contrast, from a theoretical approach, the interface between morphology and syntax has focused on whether there is a real division between these two components of grammar. This question leads research towards the study of the nature of morphological knowledge and how it is organised. Answers have lead to two different standpoints: the lexicist framework, which sees morphology as an autonomous component, and the neoconstruccionist one, which holds that morphologhy is, actually, syntax (Fábregas, 2013: 31).
Within this framework of scientific discussion and progress of linguistic studies, the purpose of this workshop is to delve into the investigation of the properties of words, with particular attention to the relationship between morphology and syntax. We aim at getting more detailed explanations for a wide range of phenomena (deadjectival complex nouns, complex verbs, verbal phrases, locative prefixes, prepositions, thematic vowels, verbal inflection, etc.), always bearing in mind the different possibilities that each theoretical approach provides.
The organization of the Workshop on Morphology and Syntax is one of the events that are being carried out within the funded research project FFI2014-56968-C4-4-P, entitled Variation in the morphology-syntax interface.
17th to 18th of July, 2017
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Dr. Olga Batiukova Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Dr. Isabel Oltra Massuet Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Dr. Paul O'Neill University of Sheffield
Elisabeth Gibert Sotelo Universitat de Girona
Dr. Víctor Acedo Matellán University of Cambridge
Dr. Jaume Mateu Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Dr. Anna Bartra Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Dr. Gemma Rigau Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Dr. Andrew McIntyre Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Dr. José Luis Cifuentes Honrubia Universidad de Alicante
Dr. María J. Arche University of Greenwich
Dr. Rafael Marín Université Lille 3 Charles de Gaulle
Dr. Matías Jaque Hidalgo Universidad de Chile
Dr. Josefa Martín García Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Dr. María Mare Universidad Nacional del Comahue
Dr. Antonio Fábregas Universitet TROMSØ
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